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J.A. Hodar Correa, A. Cassel-Lundhagen, A. Battisti
S. Larsson,
"A little further south: host use and genetics of Thaumetopoea pinivora (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) at the southern edge of its distribution"
, vol.113, 200-206, 2016
P. Villa-Martín, J. Hidalgo Aguilera, R. Rubio De Casas
M.A. Muñoz Martinez,
"Eco-evolutionary Model of Rapid Phenotypic Diversification in Species-Rich Communities", "PLoS Computational Biology"
, vol.12, e1005139-, 2016
A. Escribano-Rocafort, A. Ventre-Lespiauq, C. Granado-Yela, R. Rubio De Casas, J.A. Delgado
L. Balaguer,
"The expression of light-related leaf functional traits depends on the location of individual leaves within the crown of isolated Olea europaea L. trees", "Annals of Botany"
, vol.117, 643-651, 2016
P. Serrano Ortiz, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, F.J. Olmo Reyes, S. Metzger, O. Pérez Priego, A. Carrara , L. Alados Arboledas
A.S. Kowalski,
"Surface-Parallel Sensor Orientation for Assessing Energy Balance Components on Mountain Slopes", "Boundary-Layer Meteorology"
, vol.158, 486-499, 2016
F. Rodríguez-Sánchez, A.J. Pérez Luque, I. Bartomeus
S. Varela,
"Ciencia reproducible: qué, por qué, cómo", "Ecosistemas"
, vol.25, 83-92, 2016
A. Herrero-Méndez, P. Almaraz, R. Zamora Rodriguez, J. Castro Gutierrez
J.A. Hodar Correa,
"From the individual to the landscape and back: time-varying effects of climate and herbivory on tree sapling growth at distribution limits", "Journal of Ecology"
, vol.104, 430-442, 2016
C. Puerta Piñero "Usando la biomasa forestal como una fuente de energía sostenible. de Juan Blanco (coord.)", "Ecosistemas"
, vol.25, 165-, 2016
F.J. Cabello-Piñar, D. Alcaraz Segura, A.J. Reyes-Diez, P. Rocha-Lourenço, J.M. Requena-Mullor, J. Bonache, P. Castillo, S. Valencia, J. Naya, L. Ramírez
J. Serrada,
"System for monitoring ecosystem functioning of Network of National Parks of Spain with remote sensing", "Revista de Teledetección"
, vol.46, 119-131, 2016
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024