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S. Marañón Jiménez "Sampling and collecting foliage elements for the determination of foliar nutrients in ICOS ecosystem stations", "International Agrophysics"
, vol.32, 665-676, 2018
J.A. Hodar Correa, A. Lázaro González
R. Zamora Rodriguez,
" Beneath the mistletoe: parasitized trees host a more diverse herbaceous vegetation and are more visited by rabbits", "Annals of Forest Science"
, vol.75, -, 2018
J.M. Gomez Reyes, E.W. Schupp-
P.D. Jordano-Barbudo,
"Synzoochory: the ecological and evolutionary relevance of a dual interaction", "Biological Reviews"
, vol.00, 000-000, 2018
F. Franz, A. López -Ballesteros, A.S. Kowalski, S. Marañón-Jiménez, P. Serrano Ortiz
T. Vesala,
"Towards long-term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe's terrestrial ecosystems: a review", "International Agrophysics"
, vol.32, 439-455, 2018
P. Rocha-Lourenço, D. Alcaraz Segura, A.J. Reyes-Diez, J.M. Requena-Mullor
F.J. Cabello-Piñar,
"Trends in vegetation greenness dynamics in protected areas across borders: what are the environmental controls?", "International Journal of Remote Sensing"
, 1-15, 2018
A. Romero-Munar, M. Tauler, J. Gulías-León
E. Baraza Ruiz,
"Nursery preconditioning of Arundo donax L. plantlets determines biomass harvest in the first two years", "Industrial Crops and Products"
, vol.119, 33-40, 2018
S. Marañón Jiménez, J. Soong, N.I. Leblans, B.D. Sigurdsson, J. Peñuelas , A. Richter, D. Asensio, E. Fransen
I.A. Janssens,
"Geothermally warmed soils reveal persistent increases in the respiratory costs of soil microbes contributing to substantial C losses", "Biogeochemistry"
, vol.138, 245-260, 2018
J. Martínez López "Competitive ability, stress tolerance and plant interactions along stress gradients", "Ecology"
, -, 2018
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024