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Lista de artículos

E. Doblas Miranda, J.A. Hodar Correa, R. Zamora Rodriguez and J. Retana-,  "A review of the combination among global change factors in forests, shrublands and pastures of the Mediterranean Region: beyond drought effects.", "Global And Planetary Change (Print)" , vol.148, 42-54, 2017
D. Alcaraz Segura, A. Lomba, R. Sousa-Silva, D. Nieto Lugilde, P. Alves, D. Georges, J.R. Vicente and J.P. Honrado,  "Potential of satellite-derived ecosystem functional attributes to anticipate species range shifts", "ITC Journal" , vol.57, 86-92, 2017
J. Madrigal-Gonzalez, A. Herrero Méndez, P. Ruiz-Benito and M.A. Zavala ,  "Resilience to drought in a dry forest: Insights from demographic rates.", "Forest Ecology And Management" , 167-175, 2017
R. Rubio De Casas, C.G. Willis, W.D. Pearse, C.C. Baskin, J. Baskin and J. Cavender-Bares,  "Global biogeography of seed dormancy is determined by seasonality and seed size: a case study in the legumes", "New Phytologist" , vol.214, 1527-1536, 2017
C. Puerta Piñero "Identification and evaluation of afforestations through the Spanish National Forest Inventory C Puerta Pinero", "Ecosistemas" , vol.25, 43-50, 2016
R. Rubio De Casas, M.E. Mort and D.E. Soltis ,  "The influence of habitat on the evolution of plants: a case study across Saxifragales", "Annals of Botany" , vol.118, 1317-1328, 2016
A. Ventre, A. Escribano-Rocafort, J.A. Delgado , M.D. Jiménez, R. Rubio De Casas, C. Granado-Yela and L. Balaguer,  "Field patterns of temporal variation in the light environment within the crowns of a Mediterranean evergreen tree (Olea europaea)", "Trees" , vol.30, 995-1009, 2016
N. Pettorelli, N. Fernández-Requena and D. Alcaraz Segura,  "Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing essential biodiversity variables: challenges and future directions", "Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation" , vol.2, 122-131, 2016

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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