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F. Franz, A. López -Ballesteros, A.S. Kowalski, S. Marañón-Jiménez, P. Serrano Ortiz
T. Vesala,
"Towards long-term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe's terrestrial ecosystems: a review", "International Agrophysics"
, vol.32, 439-455, 2018
C. Puerta Piñero "Award for the best reviewer of Ecosystems of the biennium 2015-2016", "Ecosistemas"
, vol.26, 89-, 2017
E.W. Schupp-, P.D. Jordano-Barbudo
J.M. Gomez Reyes,
"A general framework for effectiveness concepts in plant-animal mutualisms", "Ecology Letters"
, vol.20, 577-590, 2017
J.M. Requena-Mullor, E.M. Lopez-Carrique, A.J. Castro-Martinez, D. Alcaraz Segura, H. Castro-Nogueira, F.J. Cabello-Piñar
A.J. Reyes-Diez,
"Remote-sensing based approach to forecast habitat quality under climate change scenarios", "PLoS One"
, vol.12(3), 1-15, 2017
A. Rivas-Ubach, J. Sardans, J.A. Hodar Correa, J. Garcia-Porta, A. Guenther, L. Pasa-Tomic, M. Oravec, O. Urban
J. Peñuelas ,
"Close and distant: contrasting the metabolomes of two subspecies of Scots pine under the effects of summer drought and folivory. ", "Ecology and Evolution"
, vol.7, 8976-8988, 2017
J.M. Gomez Reyes
M. Verdú ,
"Network theory may explain the vulnerability of medieval human settlements to the Black Death pandemic", "Scientific Reports"
, vol.7, -, 2017
J. Peñuelas
S. Marañón Jiménez,
"Impacts of Global Change on Mediterranean Forests and Their Services", "Forests"
, vol.8, 463-, 2017
J.M. Gomez Reyes, E.W. Schupp-
P.D. Jordano-Barbudo,
"A general framework for effectiveness concepts in mutualisms", "Ecology Letters"
, vol.20, 577-590, 2017
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024