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A. Lázaro González, A. Gargallo-Garriga, J.A. Hodar Correa, J. Sardans, M. Oravec, O. Urban, J. Peñuelas and R. Zamora Rodriguez,  "Implications of mistletoe parasitism for the host metabolome: a new plant identity in the forest canopy",  Plant, Cell and Environment , -, 2021
M. Pacheco Romero, T. Kuemmerle, C. Levers, D. Alcaraz Segura and F.J. Cabello-Piñar,  "Integrating inductive and deductive analysis to characterize archetypical social-ecological systems and their changes",  Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.215 , -, 2021
D.F. Escobar-Escobar, L.P. Cerdeira-Morellato and R. Rubio De Casas,  "Many roads to success: different combinations of life¿history traits provide accurate germination timing in seasonally dry environments",  Oikos, vol.130 , 1865-1879, 2021
S.D. Aguirre García, S. Aranda Barranco, H. Nieto-Solana, P. Serrano Ortiz, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete and J.L. Guerrero Rascado,  "Modelling actual evapotranspiration using a two source energy balance model with Sentinel imagery in herbaceous-free and herbaceous-cover Mediterranean olive orchards",  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol.311 , -, 2021
A.B. Leverkus, I. Polo, C. Baudoux, S. Thorn, L. Gustafsson and R. Rubio De Casas,  "Resilience impacts of a secondary disturbance: Meta¿analysis of salvage logging effects on tree regeneration",  Journal of Ecology , -, 2021
R. Balaguer, A. Barea Márquez, F.J. Ocaña Calahorro, J.M. Gómez-Reyes, E.W. Schupp-, J. Zhang and R. Rubio De Casas,  "The potential role of synzoochory in the naturalization of almond tree",  Basic and Applied Ecology, vol.50 , 97-106, 2021
R. Zamora Rodriguez, A.J. Pérez Luque, P.D. Guerrero-Alonso, R.A. Moreno-Llorca, M. Merino-Ceballos and A. Ros Candeira,  "Uniendo macro y microclima en paisajes de montaña: una aproximación conceptual e instrumental",  Ecosistemas, vol.30 , 2166-, 2021
M. Vallejos, M. Pacheco Romero, F.J. Cabello-Piñar and D. Alcaraz Segura,  "An expert-based reference list of variables for characterizing and monitoring social-ecological systems", "GEO BON OPEN SCIENCE CONFERENCE & ALL HANDS MEETING 2020", None-None, 2020

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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