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D. Salazar Tortosa, J. Castro Gutierrez, B. Saladin, N. Zimmermann
R. Rubio De Casas,
"Arid environments select for larger seeds in pines (Pinus spp). ", Evolutionary Ecology, vol.34
, 11-26, 2020
R.A. Moreno-Llorca, E. Revilla-Sanchez, F.J. Bonet Garcia
D. Alcaraz Segura,
"Digital conservation in biosphere reserves: Earth observations, social media, and nature¿s cultural contributions to people", Conservation Letters
, -, 2020
A. Lázaro González, J.A. Hodar Correa
R. Zamora Rodriguez,
"Ecological assembly rules on arthropod community inhabiting mistletoes", Ecological Entomology, vol.45
, 1088-1098, 2020
A. Mellado-Garcia
R. Zamora Rodriguez,
"Ecological consequences of parasite host shifts under changing environments: More than a change of partner", Journal of Ecology, vol.108
, 788-796, 2020
C. Puerta-Piñero
A.J. Pérez Luque,
"Ecosistemas apuesta por la publicación de artículos de datos (Data Papers)", Ecosistemas, vol.29
, 2118-, 2020
R.A. Moreno-Llorca, A. Ros Candeira, D. Alcaraz Segura, A.F. Ramos Ridao
F.J. Bonet Garcia,
"Evaluating tourist profiles and nature-based experiences in Biosphere Reserves using Flickr: Matches and mismatches between online social surveys and photo content analysis", Science of the Total Environment
, -, 2020
J. Lorite Moreno, A. Ros Candeira, D. Alcaraz Segura
C. Salazar-Mendias,
"FloraSNevada: a trait database of the vascular flora of Sierra Nevada (SE Spain)", Ecology
, -, 2020
O. Tikkanen, J. Kilpeläinen, A. Mellado Garcia, A. Hämäläinen
J.A. Hodar Correa,
"Freezing tolerance of seeds can explain differences in the distribution of two widespread mistletoe subspecies in Europe", Forest Ecology And Management, vol.482
, 118806-, 2020
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024