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S. Marañón Jiménez "A systemic overreaction to years versus decades of warming in a subarctic grassland ecosystem", "Nature Ecology & Evolution"
, vol.4, 101-108, 2020
R.A. Moreno-Llorca, E. Revilla-Sanchez, F.J. Bonet Garcia
D. Alcaraz Segura,
"Digital conservation in biosphere reserves: Earth observations, social media, and nature¿s cultural contributions to people", "Conservation Letters"
, -, 2020
C. Puerta-Piñero
A.J. Pérez Luque,
"Ecosistemas apuesta por la publicación de artículos de datos (Data Papers)", "Ecosistemas"
, vol.29, 2118-, 2020
D. Salazar Tortosa, J. Castro Gutierrez, B. Saladin, N. Zimmermann
R. Rubio De Casas,
"Arid environments select for larger seeds in pines (Pinus spp). ", "Evolutionary Ecology"
, vol.34, 11-26, 2020
S. Marañón Jiménez "Microbial carbon limitation - the need for integrating microorganisms into our understanding of ecosystem carbon cycling", "Global Change Biology"
, vol.26, 1953-1961, 2020
R.A. Moreno-Llorca, A. Ros Candeira, D. Alcaraz Segura, A.F. Ramos Ridao
F.J. Bonet Garcia,
"Evaluating tourist profiles and nature-based experiences in Biosphere Reserves using Flickr: Matches and mismatches between online social surveys and photo content analysis", "Science of the Total Environment"
, -, 2020
G. Pastorello, A. Et , F. Domingo, A. López -Ballesteros, A.S. Kowalski, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, P. Serrano Ortiz, A. Et
D. Papale,
"The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data", "Scientific Data"
, vol.7, -, 2020
A. Mellado-Garcia
R. Zamora Rodriguez,
"Ecological consequences of parasite host shifts under changing environments: More than a change of partner", "Journal of Ecology"
, vol.108, 788-796, 2020
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024