@inproceedings{ Aguirre_Andújar_Abril_Aranda_Agea-plaza_Ortiz_PEREZ_KOWALSKI_Serrano_GUERRERO,
author = { Sergio David Aguirre García and Juana Andújar Maqueda and Jesús Abril Gago and Sergio Aranda Barranco and Daniel Agea-plaza and Pablo Ortiz Amezcua and ENRIQUE PEREZ SANCHEZ-CAÑETE and ANDREW STEPHEN KOWALSKI and Penélope Serrano Ortiz and JUAN LUIS GUERRERO RASCADO } ,
title = { Studying the Atmospheric Boundary Layer influence on the Surface Energy Balance Closure combining eddy covariance and Doppler lidar },
booktitle = { EGU General Assembly },
year = { 2023 },
pages = { None - None },
location = { Viena (Austria) },