@inproceedings{ Alcaraz_Bagnato_Paruelo_Berbery_Cabello_Castro_Cazorla_Epstein_Fernández-Requena_Jobbagy_Oyonarte-Gutierrez_Pacheco_PEÑAS_VALLEJOS,
author = { Domingo Alcaraz Segura and Camilo Ernesto Bagnato and J. M. Paruelo and Ernesto Hugo Berbery and Javier Cabello and Antonio Castro and Beatriz P. Cazorla and Howard E. Epstein and Néstor Fernández-Requena and Esteban G. Jobbagy Jobbagy and Cecilio Oyonarte-Gutierrez and Manuel Pacheco and JULIO PEÑAS DE GILES and MARÍA VALLEJOS } ,
title = { Remote sensing of essential ecosystem functional variables },
booktitle = { AGU Fall Meeting },
year = { 2016 },
pages = { None - None },
location = { San Francisco (EEUU) },