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Lista de congresos

J. Peñas De Giles, M. Ballesteros-Jiménez, B.M. Benito De Pando, J.M. Sánchez-Robles, E.M. Cañadas Sánchez and J. Lorite Moreno,  "Incidencia del cambio climático sobre flora amenazada de ¿hábitats isla?: el caso de Moehringia fontqueri Pau.", "V Congreso de Biología de la Conservación de Plantas", None-None, 2011
P. Serrano Ortiz, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, F. Domingo-Poveda and A.S. Kowalski,  "Contribution of non biological CO2 flows to the net ecosystem carbon balance", "AGU Fall Meeting 2011", None-None, 2011
E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, P. Serrano Ortiz, A.S. Kowalski, C. Oyonarte-Gutierrez and F. Domingo-Poveda,  "Main drivers controlling subterranean CO2 exchanges in a semiarid ecosystem of SE Spain.", "12.European Ecological Federation Congress", None-None, 2011
P. Serrano Ortiz, S. Marañón-Jiménez, J. Castro Gutierrez, B. Ruiz-Reverter, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, R. Zamora Rodriguez and A.S. Kowalski,  "Post-¿re Salvage logging management represses the role of Mediterranean coniferus forests as carbon sinks", "The European Geoscience Union General Assembly", None-None, 2011
A. Mellado-Garcia and R. Zamora Rodriguez,  "Seed post dispersal processes can explain clumped spatial distribution of the European mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum)", " 12th European Ecological Federation (EEF) Congress", None-None, 2011
E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, P. Serrano Ortiz, A.S. Kowalski, C. Oyonarte-Gutierrez and F. Domingo-Poveda,  "CO2 ventilation in karst systems", "International Association of Geomorphologists. 2011", None-None, 2011
F. Gallego, D. Alcaraz Segura, B. Santiago, A. Altesor, C. Bagnato and J.M. Paruelo-Suarez,  "Tendencias temporales y anomalías espaciales del funcionamiento ecosistémico en dos áreas protegidas de Uruguay", "XV Simpo¿sio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto", None-None, 2011
A.M. Were-Eduardo, P. Serrano Ortiz, B. Ruiz-Reverter, L. Villagarcía-Saiz, L. Morillas-Gonzalez, A. Rey-Simo, F. Domingo-Poveda and A.S. Kowalski,  "Seasonality of carbón and wáter Exchange in mediterranean shrubland ecosystems", "European Geosciences Union. General Assembly 2011 ", None-None, 2011

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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