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Producción científica

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Lista de congresos

J.A. Hodar Correa, M.C. Perez Martinez, A.E. Morales Hernández, E. Martin-Cuenca and E. Iañez-Pareja,  "Correct your exam. Exercices for the development of writing skills of universitary students in Biology. ", "ERPA International Congresses on Education", None-None, 2015
C. Oyonarte-Gutierrez, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, P. Serrano Ortiz, J. Curiel-Yuste, O. Pérez Priego, F. Domingo and A.S. Kowalski,  "Dynamics of CO2 behavior within different vadose zone layers of a karstic ecosystem: production, transport and exchange with the atmosphere", "4º Congreso Ibérico de Ecología", None-None, 2015
A. Lázaro González, J.A. Hodar Correa and R. Zamora Rodriguez,  "The infestation by mistletoe changes the chemical defense against herbivores in Black Pine", "5th International Conference on Mediterranean Pines", None-None, 2014
A.J. Pérez Luque, F.J. Bonet Garcia and R. Zamora Rodriguez,  "Do the protected areas improve the well-being of the local communities? A study case from Andalusia (Spain)", "Mountain Observatories. Global Fair and Workshop on Long-Term Observatories of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems", None-None, 2014
E.H. Berbery and D. Alcaraz Segura,  "Los efectos de cambios de cobertura del suelo en el clima regional de Sudamérica", "9º Congreso internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología. Cambio climático y cambio global", None-None, 2014
R. Zamora Rodriguez and A. Mellado-Garcia,  "Generalist frugivore birds of Mediterranean pinelands govern the seed dispersal of a parasitic plant with strong recruitment constraints", "5th International Conference on Mediterranean Pines ", None-None, 2014
C. Puerta Piñero "Interacciones ecológicas como fuentes de beneficio económico y biodiversidad asociada a las fincas", "Avances en Agricultura Ecológica", None-None, 2014
R. Zamora Rodriguez, A. Lázaro González and J.A. Hodar Correa,  "Tritrophic interactions: population responses of herbivores when the host pine is parasitized by mistletoe", "5th International Conference on Mediterranean Pines", None-None, 2014

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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