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Producción científica

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Lista de congresos

S. Aranda Barranco, P. Serrano Ortiz, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, S.D. Aguirre García and A.S. Kowalski,  "Seguimineto de intercambios de gases de efecto invernadero entre ecosistemas terrestres y atmósfera", "Reunión anual del IISTA 2022: "Explorando sinergias en el IISTA"", None-None, 2022
M.D.R. Moya Jiménez, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, C. Oyonarte-Gutierrez, P. Serrano Ortiz, A.S. Kowalski, L. Villagarcía-Saiz and F. Domingo,  "A wavelet analysis of the soil CO2 dynamic in two semiarid grasslands affected by Subterranean Ventilation and Pressure Tides processes", "MedGU 2nd annual meeting", None-None, 2022
S. Aranda Barranco, D. Agea-Plaza, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, R. Zamora Rodriguez and P. Serrano Ortiz,  "Monitoring Carbon (CO2 and CH4) exchanges in the main dominant woody species in Sierra Nevada mountains (Spain) located at different ecological environments", "International Mountain Conference 2022", None-None, 2022
S. Aranda Barranco, D. Agea-Plaza, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, A.S. Kowalski and P. Serrano Ortiz,  "Monitoring Carbon and Water exchanges in experimental forest and olive grove plots under different management strategies", "Arqus Research Focus Forum on Climate Change and Biodiversity", None-None, 2022
S. Aranda Barranco, D. Agea-Plaza, S.D. Aguirre García, J. Castro Gutierrez, J.A. Hodar Correa, A. Lázaro González, A.B. Leverkus, L. Levy, A. Mellado-Garcia, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, K. Senhadji , P. Serrano Ortiz, M. Suárez Muñoz and R. Zamora Rodriguez,  "Comprehensive monitoring and adaptive management of mountain forest", "Arqus Research Focus Forum on Climate Change and Biodiversity", None-None, 2022
S. Aranda Barranco, P. Serrano Ortiz, A.S. Kowalski and E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete,  " Spatial and temporal variability of soil respiration in an irrigated olive grove in southeastern Spain", "EGU General Assembly 2022", None-None, 2022
S.D. Aguirre García, J.Á. Callejas, S. Aranda Barranco, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, A.S. Kowalski and P. Serrano Ortiz,  "Viability of Below-Canopy Eddy Covariance Measurements in Herbaceous-free and Herbaceous-cover Mediterranean olive crop", "EGU General Assembly 2022", None-None, 2022
J.M. Llodrà Llabrés, J. Martínez López, M.T. Postma, M.C. Perez Martinez and D. Alcaraz Segura,  "Estimation of photosynthetic pigments in high mountain lakes through remote sensing satellite imagery", "International Mountain Conference", None-None, 2022

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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