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A. López -Ballesteros, P. Serrano Ortiz, E. Perez Sanchez-Cañete, C. Oyonarte-Gutierrez, A.S. Kowalski, O. Pérez Priego
F. Domingo-Poveda,
"Enhancement of the net CO2 release of a semiarid grassland in SE Spain by rain pulses", Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, vol.121
, 52-66, 2016
J. Hidalgo Aguilera, R. Rubio De Casas
M.A. Muñoz Martinez,
"Environmental unpredictability and inbreeding depression select for mixed dispersal syndromes", BMC Evolutionary Biology, vol.16
, 1-12, 2016
A. Ventre, A. Escribano-Rocafort, J.A. Delgado , M.D. Jiménez, R. Rubio De Casas, C. Granado-Yela
L. Balaguer,
"Field patterns of temporal variation in the light environment within the crowns of a Mediterranean evergreen tree (Olea europaea)", Trees, vol.30
, 995-1009, 2016
N. Pettorelli, N. Fernández-Requena
D. Alcaraz Segura,
"Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing essential biodiversity variables: challenges and future directions", Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, vol.2
, 122-131, 2016
A. Herrero-Méndez, P. Almaraz, R. Zamora Rodriguez, J. Castro Gutierrez
J.A. Hodar Correa,
"From the individual to the landscape and back: time-varying effects of climate and herbivory on tree sapling growth at distribution limits", Journal of Ecology, vol.104
, 430-442, 2016
C. Puerta Piñero
"Identification and evaluation of afforestations through the Spanish National Forest Inventory C Puerta Pinero", Ecosistemas, vol.25
, 43-50, 2016
T.E. Kolb, K.C. Grady, M. McEttrick
A. Herrero Méndez,
"Local-scale drought adaptation of ponderosa pine seedlings at habitat ecotones", Forest Science
, 641-651, 2016
A.J. Pérez Luque, F.J. Bonet Garcia, R. Zamora Rodriguez, J.M. Barea-Azcón, R. Aspizua
F.J. Sánchez-Gutiérrez,
"Señales del cambio global en el sitio LTER-Sierra Nevada", Ecosistemas, vol.25
, 65-71, 2016
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024